

Rent a car

Cheaper directly in the countryBerna Tica Rent a car

Information, Flights, Transport

From SwitzerlandReisebüro Treff CH-Lyss, Renate Thönen
From GermanyCosta Rica Reisedienst D-Traunstein, Detlev Kirst
Domestic flights in Costa RicaSansa – Costa Rica
InterbusInterbus – Costa Rica
Exchange ratesOanda
WeatherIn Costa Rica

Hotels and Partners

Corcovado National Park – Osa PeninsulaTamandu Lodge
North – Boca TapadaHotel La Laguna de Lagarto Lodge – Boca Tapada
Caribben coastCabinas Río Cocles – Puerto Viejo
Beside the National Park, at white beachesBungalows Aché – Cahuita
TortugeroTinamon Tours
NorthwestCanas Castillas – Sonzapote
A farm in the south of Nicoya peninsulaPlaya Tambor – Experience close to the sea
Pacific coastFinca Bavaria – Uvita